<! – comment0 – > <! – head1 – > you are here: foswiki > (16 sep 2015, chadparry ) e dit a ttach the jack parry family website welcome! all visitors are recommended to read the gettingstartedguide . it explains how to get the most out of this website. _” analysts of our modern time point out that in a fast-changing world, people suffer a kind of shock from losing a sense of continuity. the very mobility of our society means that our children are often moved from place to place and lose close contact with the extended family of grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins, and longtime neighbors. it is important for us also to cultivate in our own family a sense that we belong together eternally, that whatever changes outside our home, there are fundamental aspects of our relationship which will never change. we ought to encourage our children to know their relatives. we need to talk of them, make effort to correspond with them, visit them, join family organizations, etc.” _ spencer w. kimball (see parry post vol 1 no 1 ) interesting links familyblogs there are lots of family members that own blogs. this site contains links to all of them. this is a great way to keep in touch with remote family members. parrypostindex all the past issues of the parry post have been digitized. you can browse through the whole list here, organized by date. only family members can access the parry post familycalendar family-related events and birthdays are on the calendar. add your own items too, no matter how whimsical they are. only family members can access the calendar addressbook all the current contact information for family members is in the address book. this includes email addresses and street addresses and phone numbers. only family members can access the address book subscribetochanges every time this website changes, you can know about it. for example, if someone adds an event to the calendar or changes their contact information, you might want to be notified. you’ll have to subscribe to either a news feed or an email alert. e dit a ttach p rint version h istory : r46 < r45 < r44 < r43 b acklinks v iew wiki text w iki text m ore topic actions topic revision: r46 - 16 sep 2015, chadparry log in home site map help search this page is public copyright © by the contributing authors. all material on this collaboration platform is the property of the contributing authors. ideas, requests, problems regarding foswiki?